Christian's Quest For Hope

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The symbol of the cross does not only bring hope to Christian but also to myself and to the entire world. Everything that God created was created to need him, but because of our sin we must be separated from him and experience being alone. This hopelessness is something that everyone must experience, but we do not have to stay in it. Christian begins his journey in a very hopeless state, desperate for a rescue from his cursed future. Right from the very beginning of the ageless book, Christian is found outside of his home reading a part of the bible and being filled with despair. Upon his back is a visible burden, heavy and weighing him down. Even as he begins and continues his quest for salvation, the weight upon his back grows heavier and heavier. Just as Christian was hopeless , I too have looked for a hope. I became aware of my sinfulness at a very young age. My mom and dad are both Christians and have sought to raise me up in the word of God. Through hours at church, sunday school, camps, VBS and wednesday night church I learned what sin was and that I was a sinner. I learned about Jesus when I was very young and that he died to save us from the punishment we …show more content…

All around us is a revolving world of sin and hopelessness. On social media the world looks beautiful. Through the filters and editing we miss the real image in the photo. Often we try to surround ourselves with entertainment and just avoid the sinful reality. Children die of starvation and homes are destroyed in catastrophes. Men hurt their families or they can’t provide for them. People kill other people all the time, all over the world for hundreds of reasons. People can be like Pliable or Stubborn. They may hear the gospel and spend most of their lives on the fence, or maybe they have determined their hearts against the good news. But what really matters is that there is good

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