Choose Myplate Case Study

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Assignment #1 Choose MyPlate Mission: News and other mass media makes it quite evident that the United States has a problem with obesity. The veracity of this claim is evident in the following statistic from the Centers for Disease Control. 33% of adults and children in the United States suffer from chronic obesity (CDC, 2016). While although this issue will never totally vanish from our society, organizations such as Choose MyPlate are necessary to combat this growing epidemic that is harming the health of our nation. The primary mission of Choose MyPlate is to promote healthy eating habits as well as an overall balanced lifestyle. Examples of this include: getting proper amounts of sleep, drinking adequate amounts water, and exercising, in tandem with portion control of nutrient rich foods. While one may not …show more content…

Food pyramids date back 1917 and have been ever evolving in order to keep up with the social and economic trends of Americans (The Healthline Editorial Team, 2013). Previous models, such as the food wheel and pyramid, were not as effective in conveying the message as MyPlate is. For example, the typical food pyramid showed how much of a certain food group to eat by dividing it up into triangles within the pyramid, but did not emphasize it on a day to day level like MyPlate does. Furthermore, the previous food pyramid was complex, confusing, and did not make portions its primary focus. It was no longer relevant, and the USDA believed changing the pyramid to a plate would show a familiar visual. This in turn encourages Americans to make their plate mimic MyPlate. The message that the previous food pyramid was trying to convey was not clear to the receivers, thus a change was imperative. As research evolves and our world is continuing to change, MyPlate will likely do the same. For now, it is a splendid representation of the current choices people ought to

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