Child Abuse Essay

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Child Abuse, What Services are Effective?
Literature Review
Around 5 children die every day because of child abuse (2014). In 2010, 1,537 children died of abuse or neglect, 79.4 percent were under the age of 4 and 47.7 percent were under the age of 1(2014). There are 3.6 million Cases of child abuse reported every year in the U.S. And the number of children involved in these reports is 6 million (Steve Buffone). About 80 percent of 21-year-olds who were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder (2014). Mentally, physically, and psychologically children are fragile and delicate and so is the human brain. Psychologically it is important to meet the needs of the victims but it is equally important to be a great resource for them as well. The trauma of abuse will follow a child all the way into adult hood and help is important. Without help and support children as they grow up are more like to become involved in crime, they are more likely to abuse drugs, and they are more likely to abuse their own children. This literature review will determine the efficiency and effectiveness of services by answering these questions:
1. What are the negative effects of child abuse?
2. What services are available?
3. What are the success rates of such services?
Understanding all aspects of abuse is an important key to determine the validity of the services that are currently available, this is important to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the services that are being provided to this specific population.

What are the negative effects of child abuse?
Child abuse can have a huge impact on a child. The abuse can affect them from child hood all the way up to adult hood. Abuse can be the cause of physical, ps...

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...rapy. Therapists sometimes take up an important place in theses children’s lives. They may come to symbolize a friend or even a kind of parent and they can even represent someone who is objective, but who roots for them. The support of success in life may turn on issues of confidence. All therapists are hopeful and encourage the patients to feel the same way. Psychotherapy can be an immediate relief of psychological pain. It helps reduce symptoms of trauma and allows therapists to use other regimens of treatment. There is also a significant improvement in self-esteem; this allows the child to better cope with stress and the changes of living. Those involved in treatment learn to master themselves and their environment. In many ways psychotherapy may have a fundamental effect in someone who is emotionally disturbed and affect both their attitudes and their behavior.

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