Cherokee Indians Research Paper

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The Cherokee Indians are a tribe from the southeastern area of what is now the United States. The Cherokees were identified as one of the most socially and culturally advanced Native American tribes. Sometime in the sixteenth century the European explorers came in contact with the Cherokee Indians, and the Indians learned things from the Europeans to better their cultural elements. Their society and culture developed more. The Native Americans managed to shape a government and society matching most civilized cultures of the day. Sometime in the 1830’s gold was found in the Cherokees homeland. That caused outsiders to come into the Cherokees territory. When these settlers came to the Cherokees homeland they wanted to remove …show more content…

They built communities, homes, and churches. The new Cherokee capital was called Tahlequa.Tahlequa was the major hub of regional business activity. The Cherokees made a new constitution in September of 1839.The Cherokees had advanced in many ways. The first newspaper in Indian territory, the Cherokee Advocate was printed in 1844.The Cherokees had also developed a school system. The school system consisted of one hundred and forty four elementary schools, and two higher education institutions. Their school system was so advanced that the white settlements bordering the Cherokees took advantage of it.They payed tuition to go to the superior learning institutes, and schools. The Cherokees built a progressive lifestyle after the trail of tears. From the time after the trail of tears to around the 1860s was referred to as the Cherokees “Golden Age. “More lands and rights were taken by the government after the war. There was war between the Cherokees because of loyalties during the civil war. Some of the Cherokees sided with the confederacy. This caused Cherokee tribe lands to be divided into individual allotments, and distributed out to Cherokees listed in the

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