Chemistry In Nursing Essay

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Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a nurse. When I got to high school I decided that I should take chemistry to get ahead in my education. Unfortunately, I really struggled with it and couldn’t comprehend a thing! I love the thought of caring for others and I can’t wait to be a nurse in the future. I knew that chemistry was a big part of being a nurse but I had no idea chemistry was so hard, especially at the college level. If you’re a struggling nursing student enrolled in a chemistry class, you probably ask yourself every day why it is necessary to take chemistry when you want to be a nurse. First of all, what is chemistry? Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with substances of which matter is composed and the observations …show more content…

Nurses monitor vital signs, administer medication and insert IV’s. It is extremely important that they know how to give the correct dosage of medication to their patients because the wrong dosage could harm the patient. Chemistry gives nurses the knowledge about compounds like medicine. It teaches them what medications are made of and what they will do to the patient when it is administered. Understanding chemistry will allow nurses to know why medications within the same classification or similar names do not work the same. There are four types of chemistry courses nurses typically go through. These include: general chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry and pharmacology. General chemistry is the basics. In this subject you will learn about the elements and compounds on the periodic table. Many courses cover chemical equations, states of matter, and elements that make up the world. Biochemistry is a mixture of of biology and chemistry. This branch of chemistry studies the many activities that happen in the body of a …show more content…

Chemistry is a major part of the human body. Everything that is happening inside the body is considered a chemical reaction. We need chemistry to understand how food is converted to energy, how oxygen gets from the lungs into the bloodstream, how to determine the PH of the blood, and how the body digests food. A good nurse knows all the answers to those questions and they understand the chemical reactions happening in their patient’s

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