Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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Abraham Maslow

Best known for creating Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Abraham Maslow brought the world a fresh perspective. His idea of an “authentic self” is considered a foundation of the Humanistic Movement.
A psychology professor at Brandeis University, Brooklyn College, New School for Social Research and Columbia University, he stressed the importance of focusing on the positive qualities of people.
Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, he was the oldest of seven siblings and classed by a psychologist as mentally unstable. In the early 20th century, his parents, who were from Russia and were first generation Jewish immigrants, fled from Czarist persecution. They decided to live in New York in a multiethnic neighborhood.
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They also focus on problems outside of themselves and have a clear sense of what is true and what is false. They are spontaneous, creative, have a better insight of reality, and deeply accept themselves and others.
Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs model suggests that human needs will only be fulfilled one level at a time. According to this theory, when a human ascends the levels of the hierarchy and have fulfilled the needs in the hierarchy, one may achieve self-actualization. Later in his life, he concluded that self- actualization was not an automatic outcome of satisfying the other human needs.
Human needs as identified by Abraham Maslow:
• First level- Basic or physiological needs of a human being.
• Second level- Security, order and stability.
• Third level- Love and belonging
• Fourth level-

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