Heroes: Surpassing Limits through Innovation

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‘“A hero is someone who rises above his or her… limitations to achieve something extraordinary…’” (Fingeroth 14). Danny Fingeroth's article “Review of Superman on the Couch: What Superheroes Really Tell Us about Ourselves and Our Society”, argues that heroes surpass their limits to accomplish great feats. It is observable that heroes are those who serve as role models because they go beyond expectations to advance the world through their contributions. However, not anyone can be a hero. Every human tries to be a hero by demonstrating heroism through small acts from time to time, but what separates them from heroes is one simple trait: innovation. A hero approaches the world from a different perspective. They have the unwavering determination …show more content…

A hero is an innovator who changes the world, fueled by their passion, through their unwavering determination to achieve their dreams, yet still retain their modest nature.
Numbers are swirling. Papers are flying. The man ponders with great focus on his work. He is pursuing the greatest achievements known to man; the revolutionization of the world of mathematics. This man’s name would go down as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. His name is Leonhard Euler. Leonhard Euler lived during the 18th century in Sweden and Russia. Euler came from humble origins, initially living in a small two-room house. When Euler was 14, his father hired a math tutor for him. His father, Paul Euler, deemed that the school’s teaching was insufficient. Incidentally, Euler fell in love with the subject immediately and began pursuing an education in the realm of mathematics. It was thanks to his father that Euler developed a passion for learning. Euler not only contributed to multiple mathematical fields, but also made gigantic leaps in areas such as physics, engineering, and music theory. Some of his most famous works being: complex analysis, the gamma function, infinitude of primes, the …show more content…

In a letter to a friend, Euler talked about an argument over who discovered a theorem first: “When a dispute arose over precedence in what is now known as the Euler-Maclaurin method for computing infinite sums, Euler wrote to a friend, ‘I have very little desire for anything to be detracted from the fame of the celebrated Mr. Maclaurin since he probably came upon the same theorem for summing series before me, and… deserves to be named as its first discoverer” (Derbyshire). Euler displays that he is a man of modesty through the phrase of ‘I have very little desire’. He doesn’t care if he isn’t the one credited with the theorem. He does not think much of his accomplishments but instead looks to the next one. He respects his peers and believes that his work is inferior when in reality he achieved so much more. Furthermore, Euler talks about his peer Newton in a letter to a Frankish princess: “The great Newton afterwards embraced the former system, and maintained, that the luminous rays are…” (Euler). Euler is honoring Newton and his accomplishments despite everything he accomplished through the phrase “The great Newton”. He does not take great pride in his accomplishments. Euler’s modesty shines through this example as he does not think much of his accomplishments but admires the others’ around him. Additionally, one of Euler’s contemporaries, Fuss, delineated Euler’s

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