Character Analysis Of Amir Agha 'In Blue Kite Runner'

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As I read pages 68-76, I realized first, how Amir Agha is a weak-kneed, not only did he see his friend get a beaten up from older kids but he saw something that no kid should go through. Secondly, I found out that Amir Agha is not a good and loyal friend to Hassan, what did Hassan ever do to Amir to deserve a bad friendship? And finally, I understood that Amir is selfish, Amir was worried about the Blue kite instead of being worried of Hassan. In general, I came to a conclusion that I am a window by reading these pages. I would never let anyone bully my friends in front of me, Amir stood their watching the confrontation of Wali, Kamal and Assef to Hassan. Amir of course was frightened and scared but I’d rather get a beat up then to see my friend get rapped. …show more content…

In addition, I felt like a porthole while reading these pages for the reason that, the way Amir thought of Hassan; a friend or a servant. While Amir was looking for Hassan, it was almost getting dark outside, Amir was getting worried because he hadn’t seen Hassan, but when he asked an old man If he has seen a young Hazara pass by, the old man asked him, why was a kid like him looking for a Hazara, Amir wanted the old man to respond him fast so Amir said, he is my servants son. I wonder, why couldn’t he just say that it was his friend? Would it have taken the old man a long time to explain where had Hassan headed if Amir just told him he was his

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