Chapter Analysis: Cop In The Hood

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Cop in the Hood has taught me a lot about how police work in a city really is. The chapter titled “911 is a Joke” intrigued me the most, for mostly two reasons. First the story at the beginning of the chapter really put perspective on how some people really live in the inner cities and how a police officer would have to react to the situation. Secondly, growing up in a middle class suburb I was always taught the 911 was only to be called in a time of emergency. It was a sacred number that I had never had to call. Me and my friends would joke on each other and type “911” on our flip phones and threaten to call, but never will. When Moskos said the 911 was a joke I was taken back by it because it when against everything I was taught. Once he displayed the table showing the percentage of calls in the Eastern District in one year, over one quarter of them were DCS or drugs related. This made sense because of the drug relyant nature of the Eastern District. But many of those were “bullshit calls” meaning the police did not need to be dispatched to the call. This includes competing drug dealers calling the police on each other, or prostitutes not getting paid and claiming they were raped. The themes of the chapter is …show more content…

It has helped me so much individually that I had recommended it to my friends at other universities who are currently reading, as well as my father. From debunking myths about police, especially in this chapter, and tricks to get more overtime. Through my own, somewhat biased eyes, I had always thought that if the police would be called there would be a police car there in less than five minutes and a majority of the time there would be an arrest, but in reality that just isn't always true. A hidden theme that I found throughout reading the book was that with the events in just one year is enough to write an entire books, as you yourself could mostly relate

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