Cereus Blooms At Night By Shani Mootoo

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The sexually violent scenes in Cereus Blooms at Night by Shani Mootoo often contain Mala’s methods of maintaining a sense of control, which was stripped from her when her father began being abusive. Unable to prevent her father’s attacks, Mala finds the comfort and strength to endure them by caring for Asha, Ambrose, and Pohpoh. Despite her traumatic experiences, she is able to maintain a sense of control over herself by focusing her attention on the people she loves, demonstrating how the intermingling of trauma with moments of real beauty and human connection is the most powerful means of surviving against all odds. After Pohpoh Ramchandin’s mother left and her father began to abuse his daughters, it became “Pohpoh’s mission from the first …show more content…

As the girls grew older, they would “sometimes slip away from their father’s house for several hours, fully expecting to face his wrath on their return. The momentary escape, however, was worth any sting afterward” (Mootoo, 78). The girls embraced these excursions because they were proof that they still had the ability to feel true joy and beauty. In preparation for these outings, Pohpoh and Asha would giggle and reminisce about their mother, temporarily forgetting about their current situation at home. In the evening, Pohpoh would cradle Asha in the warmth of her protective arms, comforting her with shadow puppet creations. “Asha’s eyes brightened, her eyebrows arched and a smile twitched and widened at each new animal” while Pohpoh prepared for her father’s call and another night of sacrificing her innocence (Mootoo, 67). Asha was Pohpoh’s greatest source of joy, so she cherished their intimate bonding experiences and used them as her strength to endure her father’s sexual violence. By being the most positive, motherly figure in Asha’s life, Pohpoh felt as though her influence over her sister was powerful enough to dictate her future, sending Asha down a path with a much brighter future than her …show more content…

Mala literally imagined herself as a princess and Ambrose as her prince living a perfect yet unrealistic life with each other. Mala was accepting of the fact that she would still have to face her father’s abuse after her daytime rendezvous with Ambrose but refused to admit this to her “prince,” for it could ruin the fairytale idea of their relationship. This fantasy helped Mala cope with her traumas by making her feel as though she had some control over herself, even it it was just in her imagination. Her ability to powerfully compartmentalize allowed Mala to feel true joy and beauty and the exhilaration of

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