Cerebral Aneurysm Essay

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Page of 3 Zoom Pages Nursing Overview of a Cerebral Aneurysm 1 A cerebral aneurysm is a thinning and bulging, or rupture of arteries in the brain. Unruptured aneurysms are usually asymptomatic and often not discovered until diagnostic testing such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) is performed (Bowles, 2014, pg 54). It is unknown the exact pathophysiology of why the ruptures happen; however, changes for modifiable risk factors are highly encouraged at the discovery of an unruptured aneurysm. Symptoms of an aSAH can be mistaken for a cardiovascular event with an associated headache. A headache is often discounted or overlooked as a symptom of a ruptured aneurysm …show more content…

Modifiable risk factors are the same as many other cardiovascular and neurological diseases: hypertension, healthy weight and diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Nursing considerations are confident and timely recognition of symptoms of a rupture using a systematic approach such as ABCDE, or Glasgow Coma Scale (Bowles, 2014, pg 55). I liked the simplicity of this article. The anatomy and physiology presented were not overly complicated and commensurate with a nursing perspective vice a doctor or physician perspective. Also included in the article are nursing considerations for symptom recognition, treatment of those symptoms, and nursing considerations for postoperative care. A nurse wrote the article and the language is easily relatable to what I am learning in the Practical Nurse program at Clover Park Technical College. The author is from Great Britain and their preferred initial systematic approach for symptom assessment is “ABCDE”. This is more of an emergency assessment as opposed to the WHATSUP nursing assessment of signs and symptoms. The aSAH is an emergency situation that any LPN may be required to respond to. I like that the author incorporated an emergency response into a nursing process. As both an Emergency

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