Causes And Effect Essay: The Cause And Effects Of Bullying

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Cause and Effect of Bullying
We all know what it is, and we know it’s not a good thing. Bullying has been around for ages, and has gotten worse as time has progressed. With all the technology the world has today, bullying is not only occurring at school and work, but online as well. Most individuals try to ignore a bully, but sometimes ignoring it makes the situation even worse. Bullying is a serious subject that needs to be looked at more. Individuals are being affected by bullying in a negative way, causing a lowering of self-esteem, depression and sometimes even suicide.
From as young as grade school, kids are worried about being socially accepted. The trend these days is to be the bully or be bullied. This is most common in schools. According to Jay Foster, author of The Social Nature of Bullying, “Both genders may be bullies, but their techniques vary. Girls tend to be more verbally abusive, while boys more often use physical intimidation.” Classmates will often bully one another often because of their height, weight, disability, sexual orientation, or even clothing. If one person sees another person pick on someone, that person may think it is funny and will make themselves look “cool.” They think that by them bullying someone else, they won’t get bullied themselves and that bullying will make them feel much better …show more content…

Causes of bullying come from broken homes or low self-esteem. The results of bullying tend to be damaging. The victims take their lives and or have depression. Bullying causes something in your brain to go wrong. The causes of bullying take place in the mind of people. The article Psychology of Bullying stated, “Devastating effects of bullying is the pattern it creates in the victims’ minds and personalities that can last their whole life.” Bullying affects them mentally. After a few years, days or months they will not be the same person they were

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