Cause And Effect Essay: The Effects Of Concussions

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If i had a friend that I suspected had a concussion I would try to freak him/her out at first and then get to serious business and tell her to go get herself checked out. One reason is that they are dangerous, they can also cause temporary loss. Also not all people have a great recovery from the concussion or concussions. A blow or jolt to the head can disrupt the normal function of the brain. This is called a brain injury, or concussion. Doctors may describe these injuries as “mild” because concussions are usually not life threatening. Even so, the effects of a concussion can be serious. After a concussion, some people lose consciousness or are “knocked out” for a short time, but not always you can have a brain injury without losing consciousness. …show more content…

Some concussions can cause brain function leading to cognitive, physical and emotional symptoms, such as confusion, vomiting, headache, nausea, depression disturbed sleep, moodiness, and amnesia. In fact, healthcare professionals in the field of brain injury often say, “If you’ve seen one concussion, you’ve seen one concussion.” Traumatic brain injuries can have wide ranging physical and psychological effects. Most signs or symptoms of a concussion are evident soon after the traumatic event, while you may only become aware of others days or weeks later. Most people make a good recovery from a concussion, but it’s important to take what may seem like just a bump on the head seriously. Rest is the most appropriate way to allow your brain to recover from a concussion. Your doctor will recommend that you physically and mentally rest to recover from a concussion. This means avoiding general physical exertion, including sports or any vigorous activities, until you have no symptoms. Basically I would just be stating some really strong facts to get him or her scared about concussions. It’ll make them take it serious about going to a doctor and getting their head checked out. That way it won't be too late for them and they will still be with us for way more

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