Case Study: A Career As A Healthcare Administrator

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Healthcare administrators have dozens of tasks to handle in a day. They often need guidance or advice from others in the field who understand. Administrators can use some associations to network or advance their careers too. These are a few of the best associations for this field. The Healthcare Financial Management Association The HFMA provides professionals in the field with access to a number of tools to help advance their careers. There are training courses, seminars and conferences for the professional who wants to continue learning and growing. This is recommended for students who want to network with other professionals as they enter the field of administrator. The association provides eLearning courses with the chance for certification …show more content…

They offer training seminars and summits on a variety of topics including a recent summit called Clinical Documentation Improvement Summit: Advancing the Documentation Journey. The association offers discounts on many conferences and events surrounding health information management, which is vital for any healthcare organization's staff. The ultimate goal of the association is to raise the level of standards and practices in the healthcare management industry. American College of Healthcare Executives When joining this association, members get access to national professionals as well as people in the local community. This makes more sense when it comes to networking with others in the field. There are over 80 regional chapters that provide education and resources to advance in the healthcare field. Members get access to volunteer opportunities, so they can be seen as an involved member of the community and healthcare leader. There's a chance to advance your education within this organization with distance education and personal, direct education. The National Association of Healthcare Access

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