Career Development Manual

2011 Words5 Pages

• Introduction to Career Development
1. Career
2. Importance of Career developmenet
3. What would you achieve by a career developmenet

• Personal Career Development Plan
1. Self Assesmenet
2. Choose your career
3. Reaserch
4. Requirements
5. Develop a final plan
6. My Personal Career Plan

• Skills required for Personal Development
Basic skills:
1. Communication Skills
2. Problem solving Skills
3. Positive attitudes and behaviours
4. Adaptability Skills
5. Working with others
6. Science, technology and math skills

• Obstacles in your Career Path
1. Lack of trust
2. Difficulty in understanding
3. Working in a team
4. Working on others initative

• Recommendation for Aspirants

• Introduction to Career Development:
1- Career:-
A career development plan is process of making your future goal clear. It also help in managing your future aims. It include learning new skills and improve your hidden skills .
Career development plan help in learning and achiving and achieving more in your career.
According to Albert Camus:
“ Life is the sum of all your choices”
It means a career is your own choice of way towards your future.
2- Importance of Career Development:-
A career development is important because it help you to achive more in life and get the ways to be closer to your success.
Career developmenet is important in every field of life weather you are a student , employee ,owner of a company or at early stage of learning .
A person who have ability to manage their life and career are well informed and success learners. By making choice of their career goals they also get saticified work according to it and they can avail different job opportunities.
3- Applications of career d...

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...web designer he/she first try to be best in programming because it is the necessary part of web designing and more he/she will improve in the skills I have mention above.
Its not easy to achive a career without hurdles but your hardwork and will power will help you to pass throught all the hurdles and at last you will definetly get the success. Self belive is a also a key to achieve your goals .If you have beliv in your self you can face every problem in life with great courage and confidence.
As Brain Tracy says:
“If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development”.
First develop your own personality then think about your career by beliving in yourself. The aspirantsn can get more information by using different net sources as well .

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