Cancer Research Synthesis Essay

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Cancer is one of the most harmful and deadly diseases to humankind. The number of those who contract and fall victim to cancer continues to rise, though in comparison, the number of treatments to counteract this disease also rises. In today’s society a lot is put into finding a cure for cancer. Many organizations raise funds and awareness for certain types of cancers and there are labs around the world focused on revealing the secrets that cancer keeps. Even through all this effort, the key to cracking this fatal disease has still not been unlocked. However, compared to years ago, the treatments for cancers have been improved and new ideas on treatments keep emerging. Scientific research specifically plays a role in this as it is what leads …show more content…

This idea has been changed and added to several times throughout the history of cancer research. Some of these steps include finding the first human oncogene, coding a cancer cell’s DNA and tracing cancer through a family’s tree. These discoveries have allowed doctors to study cancer more clearly and figure out some of the key functions of cancer. These include the revelation that cancer does not spread evenly from a central point. Doctors, from this, discovered how to remove a tumor without taking as many healthy cells with it and tracing family trees. These all provide easier ways to treat and know about cancer. All of these advancements would not have improved as they did without scientific research. In fact without running experiments and tests of certain treatments people would still be dying from inefficient medical treatments. This is why scientific research is so …show more content…

Specifically I would like to analyze how a malignant cell differs from a healthy, normal cell in the body. Also I would design and bring to life a treatment that specifically targets the malignant cells and not the surrounding healthy cells. By identifying how cancer differs, I would target the specific mutation that causes the cancer. This way the treatments for cancer would not be as harmful to the patient and would reduce the number of symptoms. If I were to be a scientific researcher this is what I would do, now the reasons as to why I would do this research are many.
I have been tormented by this disease at a younger age and know firsthand that cancer is one of the worst illnesses in society. To rid the world of this plague would not only save many of others’ lives, but it will keep me going in my life’s pursuits. Overall the reason that I want to study this is to increase the wellbeing of cancer patients more efficiently both now and in the future. Even if I were not able to find a cure, I could still find some way or some treatment to improve the lives of patients now. One day my research will lead to finding a prevention or even a cure for this horrid

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