Caliban Research Paper

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The Negative Effect of the European influences on Caliban's Life

Caliban’s life is a work of nature without any nurture before the arrive of Prospero, and the shipwreck. Through out the play, Caliban’s life only got worse until the end. The Europeans influences of Caliban had negatively influenced his life. Prospero had enslaved, and overly punished Caliban for attempting to violate Miranda. Trinculo and Stepheno caused Caliban to lose his dignity. The spirits of Prospero had caused Caliban to lose his self-confidence and resulted in him following Trinculo and Stepheno. With the above examples of mistreatments of Caliban by the Europeans, therefore the influences of the Europeans had cause Caliban to ruin his life.

Caliban’s life could be different and maybe better without the influences from the European people. Caliban used to be friend and follower of Prospero, by showing him around the island and picking berries for him. Caliban had no education at all except the knowledge of every corner on the island. It is human nature for all animals to release sexual energy at a certain age of their life. Caliban, who has no education on discipline performed human nature when he tried to rape Miranda. “In mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate/The honour of my child.” Prospero punished him greatly for that. Caliban used to serve Prospero because he was helping Prospero to get around in the island, but after the rape attempt, he became Prospero’s slave. “Abhorred slave……prison”. Prospero believed that Caliban can never be trained to be good, and he is capable of anything evil. This statement is obvious not true, as it is proved later in the play. Because of the assumption of Caliban, he treated him...

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...ide and praise Stepheno and Trinculo. “I’ll show thee every fertile inch o' th' island./And I will kiss thy foot. I prithee, be my god.” The low self-confidence of Caliban is caused by the torturing of the spirits of Prospero, and therefore the influences of Prospero and Europeans had caused Caliban’s life to shift in a negative way.

Caliban’s life was organic when he was created on the island. When the Europeans like Prospero, Trinculo and Stepheno encountered Caliban, they changed his life negatively. The punishment of Prospero on Caliban had changed Caliban’s perception on what is right and wrong. Trinculo and Stepheno had completely taken away Caliban’s dignity. The spirits of Prospero had destroyed Caliban’s self-confidence. With the reason stated, in conclusion therefore the Europeans that had come to the island had negatively influenced Caliban’s life.

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