Cady: African Culture And The American Culture

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The two cultures that Cady lived in is the African culture and the American culture. Cady lived in Africa for 12 years because her parents were research biologists, but Cady’s mom tenure with Northwestern University ran out. Hence, Cady moved back to the US and started attending normal high school. She was homeschooled for all of her life until she was a junior in high school. The two cultures are very different and impacted Cady differently. The African culture taught Cady values, and her morals as well. Since she was very young and lived in Africa giving to people who are in need and not taking things for granted. In the movie, it explains that Cady’s mom would give the children in different tribes in Africa a Kalteen bar to help them gain …show more content…

Since she was also homeschooled during the time she lived in Africa, she might have seen the importance of education. Cady was good at mathematics and enjoyed mathematics, this may stem from seeing people her age in Africa not having the ability to attend school. In the public high school, academics and education are not seen as the main worries, rather popularity and relationships are the main focus for students. In the movie, Ms. Norbury tells Cady “I know that having a boyfriend may seem like the most important thing in the world, but you don't have to dumb yourself down to get guys to like you,” when Cady was influenced by American culture and stopped caring about academics and more about Aaron Samuels. Living in Africa, Cady learned the importance of family and valued her relationship with her parents. Since she was homeschooled and probably did not interact with so many different people, she may have a stronger relationship with her parents then regular teenagers in the United States. In the movie “Mean Girls” it seemed that the opinions of Regina mother did not really matter to Regina however, the opinions of Cady’s parents mattered to

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