Brief Summary Of Melba's Warriors Don T Cry

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In Warriors Don’t Cry I think Melba is a very strong Warrior. I say this because she could have not went to Central High and she could have backed out of it instead of going to all the trouble. Melba knew a lot of white people were going to disagree with integration, especially the kids at school. She knew they were going try to do anything to get rid of her and her friends. But she was prepared and ready for the kids who might or may taunt her and call her bad names and she knew if she prayed every night and asked God to keep her safe and be by her side so that she could get through this year and graduate. But when she went to Central High School, she knew that fighting with the other white people would not solve anything but she knew her …show more content…

Melba went through a lot of battles each day. The kids at Central High School, like to do most to the little rock nine was to prank them a lot each day. They started easy with the pranks but then it started to get worse each day that passed. One of the battles that Melba fought was violence. When she was walking out of the locker room and was all ready for gym to play volleyball with the other white girls, the girls started to taught her and pushed her down and started to kick her hard were blood started to come out of her and also with a lot of scrapes on her knees. Another battle she fought that was the biggest was pranking. Between classes Melba had to go use the restroom and she thought that maybe no one would taunt her there but while she was using the restroom she heard girls giggling in the corner of the bathroom and she wanted to get out of there. But all the sudden when Melba looked up she saw fireball toilet paper coming down on her and Melba tried to swat them away but more kept coming down faster. One of them hit her dress and her new dress that her grandma and mama gave her was ruined. Melba decided to take action so she pick up her book and tried to throw it to aim one of the girls and she got one and then threw one of her other books and she got several girls and then they ran out of the bathroom. Another battle she fought was …show more content…

She didn’t wake up every morning, happy to go to the school and learn more things, instead she felt terrified wondering what was going to happen to her. Some days were not as bad like the others but there was some days that Melba could've really got hurt but she always found a way out without getting too injured. Kids just kept taunting her every moment of the day and the worst part was the teachers didn’t do anything about it. Even though they know she is a child too and that they should care that because she could get badly hurt and it would be the teacher's fault because they didn’t do anything about it or to stop

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