Brief Summary Of Julia Alvarez's In The Time Of The Butterflies

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The historical fiction novel In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez, has an interesting story about four sisters who rebel against Trujillo, their cruel dictator. The book starts years after the event, focusing on the surviving sister, Dedé, as she recounts the time when her father predicts what he thinks will become of his girls in the future. In the next chapter, narrated by Minerva, the three girls, excluding Dedé, go to religious school. There, Minerva learns the cruelty of Trujillo towards Sinita’s family. Soon after, Trujillo visits the school interested in Lina. But one day, Lina never returns; she has become pregnant and is sent to Miami for safety. In a new wing of the school, a recitation contest is being hosted, and Minerva and her three friends decide to enter together. …show more content…

Additionally, María Teresa (Mate) contributes to the book in the third chapter through her diary entries. One day, she is called into the principal's office because Minerva had been sneaking out. Mate lies that Minerva was visiting her ill uncle, when she had really been sneaking out for secret meetings at Don Horacio’s house. Hilda, one of the girls who attends the meetings, joins the school to escape the police. After being caught, Mate is forced to give up her journal because of the evidence it contains about Hilda. Patria, the narrator of the fourth chapter, initially wants to be a nun, but quickly falls in love with Pedrito. They are married and have two kids. Unfortunately, her third child dies. Patria has trouble recovering from this, connecting it to how she didn’t continue her religious calling. Patria suspects that Pedrito has moved her dead son to the backyard after seeing him digging one night. Worried, she checks the cemetery, in order to see if her son is still there. She sees her son decomposing, and realizes she has lost all

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