Black Power Influence in West Germany

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In the 1960’s-1970’s, violence increasingly became an important factor in the Student movement for liberation in West Germany. Different levels of oppression were applied to various countries around the world, including Vietnam which was oppressed by the U.S. Student activists shadowed the different movements, and slowly incorporated the various methods into their own movement in West Germany. Indeed, Student activists fought for their liberation through a combination of international methods, however, the fuel for their violent actions mainly came from the Black Power Movement in the U.S which was motivated by Frantz Fanon’s ideas on decolonization. During the 1960s-70s, West German activists began to view that the elite higher class exploitation of the youth who went against societal norms in West Germany was very similar to the discrimination towards the Black population of America due to their skin color. Because of the newfound similarities, the two groups decided to exchange ideas on gaining liberation. The student activists and the African-Americans involved in the movement engaged in personal exchanges by traveling to each other’s countries and observing the corruption on their own, while studying tactics of fighting back. Indeed, Rudi Deutschke, the face of the SDS himself, made a trip to America and visited the slums of New York and Chicago to witness accounts of oppression with his own eyes. Through their observation of the Black Power Movement in America, as well as their interactions with members of the movement, many West German activists (SDS) increasingly supported the idea that a violent approach was the only way to seek liberation. The Black Power movement also motivated Left Wing terrorists, such as Bommi Baum...

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...y too followed Frantz Fanon’s ideals on decolonization, and in doing so sought liberation themselves.

Klimke, Martin. “Black and Red Panthers.” In The Other Alliance: Student Protest in West Germany and the United States in the global sixties. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Baumann, Michael, Helene Ellenbogen, and Wayne Parker. How it all began: the personal account of a West German urban Guerrilla. Vancouver, B.C.: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2000.
Slobodian, Quinn. Foreign Front: Third World Politics in Sixties West Germany, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012.
Meinhof, Ulrike Marie, and Karin Bauer. Everybody Talks About the Weather-- We Don't: The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2008.
Christiansen, Samantha, and Zachary A. Scarlett. The Third World in the Global 1960s. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013.

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