Billie Jean King Research Paper

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“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90%how you react to it” said by Charles R. Swindoll. Life is not what one dose but how he or she does it. Billie Jean King stated to play tennis at a young age. Billie Jean King became a pro tennis player and helped women in sports. Billie Jean King is considered a rebel because she foughts for women's rights in sports. This had a positive impact on society because of what she did to make a change. Billie Jean King is a pro tennis player who wanted the pay in sports to be equal for women. She won many tournaments such as Wimbledon women’s singles, U.S. Open singles and the French Open. “...first woman athlete to win more than $100,000 in a single year” (“Billie Jean King”). Billie Jean King noticed that women were not winning the same amount of men in prize money. Billie Jean King criticized the prize money that the women would recite. “... women were receiving
Colin Kapernick is like Billie Jean King in away, Colin Kapernick during the National Anthem would not stand up. “... whether it’s about civil right or women rights or the social justice movement” (Brennan). King has heard about what Colin Kapernick did. King said, “We're talking about it aren’t we? Now the most important thing is, are we going to do something about it”(Brennan). Some of the current pro test lasting impact will depend on their effect. Will they fade away to nothing or do they come a bigger action? Colin Kapernick is like Billie Jean King by standing up for something they both believe in. Billie Jean King has had an impact on society while standing up for women’s right. King is considered a rebel as she noticed that women in sport were not get paid the same as men. Billie Jean King played Bobby Riggs to show that women can compete on the same level as men. Today someone like Billie Jean King is Colin Kapernick. If someone's stands for something make sure no one can change one's

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