Big 5 Theory: A Description Of The Big Five Theory

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To humans, life appears to be a dynamic, unpredictable environment to which diversity they react and behave in a certain particular way best suiting to their respective preferences introducing the notion of personality; Psychologists, over time, after various studies, have come along with a series of standardized characteristics that tend to be the mostly manifested while examining personalities and finally came up with the popularly known as The Big Five Theory. On this paper I will get into a description of myself according this theory’s 5 aspects which are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, agreeableness and Neuroticism; Well, I am the first born out of 5 children, this, in a certain way has a lot to do with my particular …show more content…

When I am going on a date with a guy I’m interested in, I would sit in my room for hours looking at my closet and trying to figure out what to wear, the accessories, the hair; sometimes I even change my accent for a more attractive (to the guy) one, while when I am just happen not to be really interested about person, I would just figure out some outfit in the last minute or even cancel the date out, just change my mind. So depending of the Importance I give to a certain subject, I tend to be whether practical or imaginative. Now, what about change? Well, as already viewed in the previous subject, my personality is far from falling in a stable classification and the same applies to my preference for change when it comes to choose between it and routine; I tend to feel so overwhelmed and even get sick when exposed to routine, this happens mostly during my college semesters during which I do nothing more than go to class, come home, do my homework eat sleep, and the next day the same movie again and again; so I really do embrace breaks and Cancelled classes! From time to time I prefer a change of neighborhood, town, and, why not? Even of country or continent. This one reason why I really do prefer long distance relationships, …show more content…

It is just amazing how helpful it just happens to be. However, the fact that I have a tendency to easily fall in anxiety does not make me neither an insecure, nor a self- pitied individual; instead, I do have very high rate of self-confidence and I can say I am generally happy with myself. As a matter of fact, I have been told many times I might be exaggerating on the expectations set on myself, with a slight tendency to narcissism; Nevertheless, I am proud to say my self-confidence has took me where I am today; one example is my experience of how I happened to start college courses faster than it was previewed: It was last year I came to the United States with just a slight Notion of English, thus I was supposed to spend at least one whole year or many more taking ESL classes in order to fit in college level courses, but from the first class

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