Biblical Approach To Economics Essay

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• Describe what the authors identify as the basic elements of a biblical approach to economics.  The author indicates great qualities in regards to economics and wealth. He talks about how the bible states individuals should have qualities of a strong work ethic, and other entrepreneurial characteristics such as initiative and perseverance. He also highlights as the main elements of a biblical approach to economics are: 1. The materials in the world are good for man because GOD created it, but the love for it leads to sin. 2. GOD owns the world’s economic resources and humans are stewards of the resources. 3. The wealth creation process is connected to the dominion GOD gave us and the fact that we are made in his image. 4. You should work as you work for GOD, because you and your work are ordained by the Lord. 5. If you work you are responsible for taking care of yourself and your family. 6. The working community is …show more content…

They believe its unethical and morally wrong due to they see it as humans indulging in greed. Greed is a result of love for money and the bible indicates “the love of money is the root of all evilness.” They blame the 2008 recession on the capitalism society America citizens live in. I do have to agree with that greed leads to sin and sin always leads to disaster or simply a downfall. The 2008 recession had a lot to due to the greed of those running Wall Street. Their greed resulted in a economic downfall for us. The author believes it’s healthy because it allows many to get of poverty and has helped many get out of poverty by their work ethics and smart financial decision making. I can see it both ways, but I ultimately believe capitalism is healthy for entrepreneurs and those that inspires to entrepreneurs as well as intrapreneurs. I believe you can live in a capitalism society and conduct yourself and business morally and ethically pleasing to

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