Bernie Movie Analysis

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The movie Bernie is true story of a murder committed in Carthage, Texas in 1996. What set this crime apart from other murders was the reaction of the citizens. Bernie Tiede shot and killed Marjorie Nugent in November 1996. The people of Carthage were more worried about Bernie’s fate than his act of murdering Marjorie.
What circumstances could lead people to abandon their morals and sympathize with a murderer. Taking a look at the personalities of Bernie and Marjorie and the relationship they had might clarify why this murder was acceptable to nearly all the people of Carthage, Texas.
Bernie was a people person. He doled out compliments and wishes of wellbeing all the time. The people of Carthage, Texas all knew and loved Bernie. Jack Payne, …show more content…

Marjorie had always wanted to travel and now she could and she took Bernie everywhere with her. Very early in their friendship Marjorie insisted on Bernie being her personal assistant and gave Bernie access to her money. The movie made it apparent that the people thought Bernie and Marjorie had an odd friendship. Regardless, the people of Carthage loved Bernie and had nothing but nice things to say about him.
Two years after their friendship sprouted Marjorie began controlling Bernie and limiting his time away from her. People couldn’t help but notice and they pitied Bernie. People did not consider Bernie a pathetic imp, instead they directed their ill judgment at Marjorie.
In one scene Marjorie was yelling at Bernie. Bernie was visibly shaken and tried to dismiss himself. With an unsteady voice Bernie said “Marjorie you’re making it very hard to be your friend. I’m going to come back some other time.” Bernie tried to leave but Marjorie closed the driveway gate, essentially locking-in Bernie. This scene very clearly portrayed how mean and irrational and controlling Marjorie was.
Bernie seemed too kind or incapable of saving himself by ending relations with Marjorie. Instead, Bernie endured Marjorie’s abuse until he finally snapped. Bernie fired four rounds from a .22 caliber rifle into Marjorie Nugent’s back, killing

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