Berlin Airlift Dbq

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The Berlin airlift was in reaction to Soviet dictator, Josef Stalin's crude attempt to increase the extent of his domination in postwar Europe. After World War II, the United
States and the Soviet Union were the world’s most powerful countries. Stalin knew this and took advantage of his power. The Berlin Airlift was in response to the Cold war from
1947-1991. Gail Halverson was in the Berlin airlift.
Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) was dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from 1929 to 1953. Under Stalin’s reign, the Soviet Union was changed into a military and industrial global force. However, he ruled by fear, and millions of his nations people were killed during his dictatorship. Stalin allied with the United States and Britain …show more content…

Even though the relationship was good, there were still differences in warfare between the countries--such as differing ideological and strategic goals. The alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II developed out of inevitability. The Soviets had a lot of human and material loss in war. Approximately 20 million people were killed, thousands of towns and cities were annihilated, and on top of that, the Soviet Union’s economic infrastructure was Cremer 2 destroyed. In contempt of the postliminy postwar controversies and the beginning of the
Cold War, nothing can attenuate the importance of the wartime coadjuvancy between the United States and the Soviet Union.
At the start of 1946, there were about 250,000 Jews residing in Germany, most of them lived in the American sector. Most of them were displaced persons from other countries. About 15,000 of the total were native to Germany. Some Jews had persevered as slave laborers in German factories, while others were the beneficiaries of mixed marriages. The first count of Berlin Jews after the war, counted 1,321 who had survived by hiding, 1,628 survivors from concentration camps, 2,126 spouses of non-Jews who had had no children, and another 1,995 with marriages with spouses out of their

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