Berk And Meyers Child Development

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Child Development:
By reviewing Berk and Meyers (2016), child development is the; social, cognitive, physical changes and experiences from the prenatal stage (Berk & Meyers 2016, p.4). The early years is considered the most crucial period (Phillips & Shonkoff, p.3) for the child's development (Encyclopaedia on Early Childhood Development 2011). As there are issues raised, it has stimulated research conducted by professionals from various fields. Child development is now an interdisciplinary field called developmental science which aims to improve the life of children.

Plasticity vs. Stability:
An aspect of child development is plasticity vs. stability discussed in Berk and Meyers (2016). Plasticity focuses on flexibility by adapting to experiences and being subject to change (Berk & Meyers 2016, p.9). Stability is where a child continues to possess the same trait with experiences faced will future shape the child. Plasticity and stability are significant to a child’s development as it affects teaching practices. A weakness of stability is if a child has a negative experience early, it would be difficult to overcome, but a strength in plasticity is the child can develop from assistance.

Nature vs. Nurture: …show more content…

The term focuses on whether environment or genetic factors are a fundamental source of development (Berk & Meyers 2016, p.9). Nature is the information we have inherited and is responsible for development. Nurture is related to influences and environment that surrounds us from conception. ‘It's not nature versus nurture but nature through nurture’ (Kirp 2007, p.19). The study of nature and nurture is important to the field of childhood education because both work together to improve future development of the child (Encyclopaedia on Early Childhood Development

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