Benefits Of Year Round School

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Year Round schooling includes one hundred and eighty days, the same amount of days students in traditional schooling are enrolled. All schools should change to year round schedules. This change would benefit the education department greatly. This change in schedules would solve ongoing problems such as the “Summer Slide” which is the reason known by teachers as to why students lose so much information they had learned during their summer vacation. Saving teacher’s critical teaching time would grant students with additional time to learn more than the usual review of the material they lost from the previous school year. Finally, this change would allow schools to be eligible to complete worldwide, or rather be thought of as more of an advanced or even improving country academically.
The “Summer Slide” is the predicted cause for kids losing information they had been taught the previous school year. Students that belong to the lower than average income homes are more likely to lose those skills over summer break. Still, regardless of the income coming into that house, most students lose “two months of grade level equivalency” in math skills every summer. Research shows that over the past 100 years students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of the year. Harris Cooper, a social psychologist led a study that focused on the summer slide found that summer learning loss is real. He also found that, that summer affects all students in all core classes. The NSLA which is the national summer learning association, think that the reason for kids losing information over the summer is because of the lack of kids being involved in summer learning activities. B...

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... all in year round schooling already.
Many think “year round schooling” means by definition, that kids are then put into school for 365 days a year. Year round schooling includes enrollment for one hundred and eighty days, the same amount of days as traditional school schedules are laid out. Therefore, schools should change to year round schooling. This change in scheduling will solve the summer slide effect that causes teachers to lose precious teaching time. With year round schooling extra and more critical time to learn is gained. With this extra time available, not worrying about reviewing information kids should have previously learned, the United States can become higher ranks in global academic competition. Parents should be all in for accepting year round schooling schedules to grant their kids with the most they can get out of their educational experience.

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