Being Bored Essay

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Do you like being bored? When people are bored they listen to music or read. These things help people clear their mind. Is boredom actually good for you? Boredom isn't a good thing when people could think to hard and start getting distracted by other thoughts. Being a busy person helps us not be bored and helps us clear our minds from bad things from happening.

Boredom could lead to people abusing drugs and alcohol.When people are bored they tend to try new things out such as drugs and alcohol. People use these as a way to not be bored because they don't know what to do with themselves. Boredom could be destructive and agonizing. People like to think about other things, dangerous things, or bad decision –making. Kids these days have access …show more content…

That's usually because people are bored. When people tend to be bored. They think bad thoughts since they feel the need to not be bored. If that person is bored all the time there could be a possibility of that person wanting to end their boredom. That possibility could lead to a teen death rate increase. With that increase people would not to be bored anymore. People would want to live their life and do crazy outrageous things like bungee jumping or cliff diving with friends. Those things don’t sound boring they sound exciting. With people being bored imagine what could happen.

There a easier and simpler reasons to not be bored. People could listen to music or read a book once in a while. By listening to music people could let their mind be clear and just focus on the music. When reading a book we would just focus on the words on the page. We could take a hike and let nature clear a path for you. Instead of having to deal with boredom we could do things that sound boring , but actually do these things to help us.

Although being bored may help us clear our mind, but by thinking too hard people begin to think bad things. With bad thought there are so many possibilities. People will begin to think too hard and do crazy things. With these crazy things happening what would happen to everything else in the

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