Battle of Jutland

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The Battle of Jutland

Considered by most to be the greatest naval fleet battle during World War I, the Battle of Jutland was the largest and last full-blown conflict between massive fleets consisting of battle cruisers, dreadnoughts, and destroyers. Despite the fact that Jutland changed nothing strategically within the war, it is still known as being one of the most significant battles in naval history. But this battle was also one that ended with many questions and controversies that have been written about and discussed throughout the years following, even to present day.
Jutland commenced on May 31, 1916, after the commander of the German High Seas Fleet, Reinhard Scheer, made plans to maneuver towards the British coast, unaware that the British were able to read their coded messages and were fully prepared for Scheer’s plan. Admiral Sir John Jellicoe was in full command of the British Grand Fleet, which had been divided into three groups: the main body led by Jellicoe, six battle cruisers led by Admiral David Beatty, and four dreadnoughts under Admiral Hugh Evan-Thomas. The Grand Fleet departed two and a half hours before the Germans set off in order to rendezvous about 50 miles from Jutland in the North Sea.
During the first German encounter, Beatty and his battle cruisers chased a small, weak group of the German Fleet, which was led by Admiral Franz von Hipper, south towards the main High Seas Fleet. After being fired upon, Beatty made an 1800 turn northward in order to now lure the Germans toward Jellicoe and the main body.
Next occurred what Louis D. Rubin Jr., who wrote the article “The Continuing Argument over Jutland” in 2001, described as one of “the most controversial episodes of a battle studded with controversial episodes.” Evan-Thomas and his dreadnoughts, which had been headed south following Beatty, failed to turn all at once and follow the battle cruisers northward. Although he apparently had not received the signal to do so until three minutes after they had passed, Rubin explains that Evan-Thomas should have, on his own intuition and initiative, proceeded to fall behind Beatty’s battle cruisers. Further stipulation was made as to whether or not this turn should have been made simultaneously or one ship after another. But to counter Rubin’s opinion...

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...urces to prove his theory that blaming the battle cruisers’ designers was too simplistic of an explanation.
In conclusion, this was a fascinating battle that may have left many unanswered questions and theories, but it will forever be known as the greatest naval battle in World War history.

Works Cited

Primary Source:

Horne, Charles F. “Memoirs & Diaries: The Battle of Jutland by an anonymous
British sub-Lieutenant.” Source Records of the Great War, Vol. 4, 1923.

Secondary Sources:

Bennett, Geoff. The Battle of Jutland. Wordsworth Military Library, 1999.

Gordon, Andrew. The Rules of the Game. John Murray Pub., 1996.

Hough, Richard. The Great War at Sea. Oxford University Press, 1984.

Lambert, Nicholas. “‘Our Bloody Ships’ or ‘Our Bloody System’? Jutland and the
Loss of the Battle Cruisers, 1916.” The Journal of Military History.
Lexington: Jan. 1998. Vol. 62, Iss.1; p.29.

Ranft, B. McL., ed. “31 May 1916: Beatty’s Official Report on the Battle of
Jutland.” The Beatty Papers, Vol. 1, p. 323. Navy Records Society, 1989.

Rubin, Louis D. Jr. “The Continuing Argument over Jutland.” The Virginia
Quarterly Review. Charlottesville: Autumn 2001. Vol. 77, Iss. 4; p.583.

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