Baclofen and alcohol-dependence : A curious french case

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Something important is happening in France at this time in the field of alcohol dependence and maybe we can call it « the Baclofen case ».

Over the last three years, the word baclofen has appeared on the cover of many mainstream newspapers and non-specialized French medical journals, which don’t hesitate to call it « the miracle cure for alcoholism ».

Originally developed as an antiepileptic drug, Baclofen a selective GABA-B receptor agonist, was initially approved in 1977 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a muscle relaxant and a treatment for the spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis. Its pharmacologic properties have led since the 90’s to investigation of its benefit in the treatment of addictions and especially alcohol dependence (1) but a recent review shows that currently published literature involving baclofen for the maintenance of alcohol abstinence is still limited and difficult to apply to many patient populations (5). There are very limited safety data utilizing High-Dose Baclofen (HDB) in alcohol-dependent patients and some significant adverse effec...

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