Back To The Future

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Today Oct 21, 2015 is 'Back to The Future' 30th Anniversary. In one paramount scene of 'Back to the Future Part II', October 21, 2015 is the day that Marty McFly arrives when he travels to the future. Such an epic film trilogy, the symbolic of this phenomenal scene is foretelling us that on Oct 21 2015, we are officially in ‘The Future’. Starting from today, this marks the beginning of our future, and we are here together witnessing this unspeakable moment.

Now is ‘The Future’, it has been 30 years since Marty McFly and Doctor Emmett Brown bring us with them to their time traveling journeys. However, the secret of success of 'Back to The Future Trilogy' is not mainly because of the special effects. On the contrary, the most enticing part is the unthinkable escapism plot, travel through time, supports by the simple yet complicated disruptive technology, the nuclear, Plutonium, fuel time travel machine later is modified as organic fuel time travel hover machine, DeLorean. Since 1985 the grand introduction of the first 'Back to The Future’ film, DeLorean, fuels by plutonium that gives the flux capacitor 1.21 gigawatts it needs to …show more content…

My most favorite moment of the scene, Marty McFly travels back in time and plays the classic, but not yet classic song Johnny B Good. Towards the end of ‘Back to The Future Part III’, Doctor Brown has invented a new time machine, modeled after a locomotive from 1885. At the same time, Director Zemeckis instigates numerous disruptive technology of the future to the films, consequently, it is the nucleus of this film trilogy, which has brought out the essence of each film, from HoverBoard to Pepsi coke bottle to Power-laces Nike shoes. All the unbelievable technologies are being invented in 'Back to The Future

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