Babysitting: A Personal Narrative Story: The Marble

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The Marble Before this incident, I had babysat thousands of times. Babysitting was something that I really enjoyed and still do enjoy. However, this experience scared me a lot. It was in December of this last year. It had snowed a tremendous amount, which had resulted in three snow days! The first snow days Green River Wyoming had had in 28 years! I remember it was especially cold that day, so I was wearing my sweater and long thermal socks. We had a fire going in our fireplace, but it was still chilly. I hadn't done much that day, and we could not go anywhere because we were told not to drive on the roads unless it was an absolute emergency, due to the snowy road conditions. So I was stuck at home freezing my buns off. After …show more content…

Shivering, I wadded into the snow. It was up to my thighs, so it took me quite a bit of time to get all the way down the street. As I walked up the driveway, I stomped off as much snow as I could. As I was walking up the stairs to the door, I slipped on a patch of ice and fell. I hit my knee but didn't feel too much pain thanks to my many layers. I knocked on the door, moving from one foot to the other to keep warm. Even though I had only been outside of about five minute, my cheeks were numb and my eyes were stinging. When she finally answered the door and let me in, she told me what they were doing, what I needed to do, and that they wouldn't be much longer than a half hour to an hour at most. When they left, I took off my heavy coat, boots, gloves, hat and scarf, but left everything else on. I rounded up the kids and we did a puzzle and played go fish. About a half hour later, the oldest boy asked if I would make them some hot chocolate. I said I would if they put the puzzle and game away. I took the youngest one into the kitchen with me so I could watch her more closely, but the other three were old enough to be self sufficient. The oldest was 8 and …show more content…

I had only set her down for a few minutes, when I heard this horrible sound, almost like gurgling. I can still hear it in my head now. I had no idea what it was, and when I turned around to look at the baby, I saw something that scared me immensely. Her face was red, almost purple, and she had little tears running down her cheeks even though no crying sound was coming out. I gasped and for a moment, my whole body froze. I was so terrified, and I did not know what to do. I quickly said the fastest prayer I have ever said in my life, asking to know what to do, that the baby would be ok, and that the other kids wouldn't have to see this. Before I even finished, I got a feeling to pick her up and put her stomach on my knee and pat her back. She was still making the choking noise. I knelt on the floor next to her and grabbed her and put her stomach on my knee. I gently but vigorously patted her on her back multiple times. After about 15 times of patting her back, a translucent marble shot out of her mouth as well as some barf. I have never ever been so relieved in my life! She coughed and sucked in air. I continued patting her back for a few more seconds

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