Baroque Architecture And Its Impact On Human Life And Art

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Architecture began to develop with human life.This development is the impact of the environment is inevitable. Different geographical conditions,climate properties are some of them .In addition different cultures,thoughts,reqyests,expectations,life style are social effects.These differences in line with consist of original thinking in architecture.These thoughts are lead up to formation of architectural movements in over time.Some of these movements are Baroque,Impressionism,Modernism and Art Nauveau.’’Baroque architectureis the building style of the Baroque area,begun in late 16th-century Italy that took the Roman vocabularyof Renaissance architecture and used it in a new rhetorical and theatrical fashion,often to express the triumph of thr Catholic Church and absolutist state.’’(1)’’Modern architecture is generally characterized by simplifacition of form and absence of applied decoration.’’(2)This is a comparable in terms of both the movement emergence periods,materials used and appearance. …show more content…

and 18.centuries developing and music,art and literature in architecture after acquiring ıts current location is significantly.’’(3)Louis Le Vau,Charles Lebrum,Johann Lucas Von Hildebrandt,Carlo Moderno are some of the architects of the term.In addition Church of the Gesu is an example of a Baroque architecture.’’Modern architecture 19. century’s Eklektisist architecture opposed to original creation is the general name of the all the pro-flow architecture.Modern architecture is a productof Western civilization.’’(4)As an example of this movement can Sydney Opera

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