Authentic Leadership Theory Paper

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Theoretical Foundations and Review of the Literature/Themes
The theoretical foundation used in this study is the authentic leadership theory, as defined by Avolio, Gardner and Walumbwa, (2004), act in accordance with deep personal values and convictions, to build credibility and win the respect and trust of followers. Authentic leadership is a developable skill set individuals can enhance, to lead more effectively through self-discovery.
Theoretical foundations/conceptual framework.
Authentic Leadership theory is the inward and outward development of authenticity in a leader (Avolio & Gardner, 2005). The inward development of authentic leadership theory makes it distinctly different from other forms of leadership (Waite, McKinney, Smith-Glasgow …show more content…

Authentic leadership begins with the leader understanding themselves, making it a distinctive theory. The authentic person has two parts, the internal self and the how they relate to the external surroundings (Waite, McKinney, Smith-Glasgow and Meloy, 2014). Four components of authentic leadership are, self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced process, and transparency (Waite, McKinney, Smith-Glasgow and Meloy, 2014; Hinojosa, Davis McCauley, Randolph-Seng, and Gardner, 2014).
The interpersonal dimensions of authentic leadership are self-awareness and internalized moral perspective. Self aware leaders take the time to process their experiences and the impact they have. Authentic leaders also understand their values and beliefs and find ways to operate in a way that is inline with those values and beleifs.
The intrapersonal dimension of authentic leadership is a balanced process, and transparency. Authentic leaders are able to understand the world as it is and then choose the best response needed. Authentic leaders operate out of what the situation calls for rather than their emotions. Authentic leaders are also build positive rapor with their co-works through purposefully engaged others that gain influence. Authentic leaders build trust through consistency and clear

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