Armed Robbery Essay

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Over the years, armed robbery has started to become a problem to, business owners of small and large business, law enforcement, and the community. Armed robbery has started to become problem because of money problems, or need money for drugs. These armed robbers usually start off young and continue through there crime life, these young offenders will usually be repeat offenders of other crimes. To stop this, penalty and sentence act 1992, and the criminal code 1899 had come in. These two acts are used to stop the crime or to take the offenders off the street. Offenders caught of the offence are liable to 14 years imprisonment, violent offenders or repeat offenders can be liable to life in prison. The aim of this report is to:
- Outline what the current law is for the offence of armed robbery
- How the current law is applied to the offence of armed robbery
- Who are the stake holders and why they are interested in the offence of armed robbery
- The community issue towards the offence of armed robbery
- The effectiveness of law towards the offence of armed robbery
- Are there any changes to the law that could make the law more effective

2.0 Methods of Research
The methods of research that was used in this was report were primary and secondary sources. The primary sources included, QLD police website, Institute of criminology. These sources provided information on current legislation, current penalty for the offence, who are the offenders and why, weapons used in the offence, criminal cases of the offence of armed robbery, what the law states according the QLD law for armed robbery, the motivation to offend, and commercial targets, graphs which show statistics towards self-reported drug use, motivation to committing rob...

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...takeholders are people or organisations interested in the offence that is happening. Stakeholders in this offence would include the law enforcement, the community and business owners of all types of business. Law enforcement would be intrigued of the offence because they would be trying to solve the case or are trying to find ways to stop this happening in the future, next we have business owners. Business owners would have to be the big stakeholder in this offence, there main concerned is; are the next target, and if already attacked then they will have to pay anything stolen and start to invest in more security to make sure this stops happening. The last stakeholder would be the general community that live near or close these shops. People living in the community will start to live in fear knowing that robbers might stop robbing business and start attacking homes

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