Arguments Against Vegetarianism

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Vegetarianism has been portrayed in our society as a healthy eating habit that people swear is healthier than eating meat. If vegetarianism is so healthy, then why must people take supplements just to get essential nutrients and vitamins? Eating only plants and no meat can cause a vitamin B12 deficiency, which is not healthy. Becoming a vegetarian seems to be the "cool" thing to do these days, and it is also portrayed as the best way to lose weight, but it is not healthy for you because vegetables provide little to no fat, which your body needs in moderation. "I quickly saw the cause of her infections, as well as her miscarriage: she had virtually no fat in her diet" (Byrnes Pg.1). Eating meat in moderation has many health …show more content…

Killing and eating wild animals is about as natural as it gets when it comes to a source of sustenance, there are no cruel slaughter houses and in fact, most animals that are killed while hunting are killed very quickly and humanely. "Pure, perfect-quality protein is available to everyone who wants to flex their natural instinct to be self-sufficient, independent and more honestly in tune with the source of their sustenance" (Nugent PG. 11). The best way to lead a healthy diet is to get out of the grocery store and get into the woods for your source of meat. Another lie that Vegetarians try to tell about eating meat is that it causes osteoporosis, kidney disease, and cancer. This is just a way for vegetarian activists to try and scare you away from animal products when in fact; everything they are telling you is nothing but a myth that has been proven to not be true at all. Most of these disease reports come from the 20th century, but people have been eating meat for thousands of years prior to that with no such documentation.
"All of these diseases are primarily 20th century occurrences, yet people have been eating meat and animal fat for many thousands of years." (Byrnes PG. 4). When you state these kind of lies just to try and make people eat the way you do, knowing that it could cause them bodily harm, it may seem a little radical to

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