Arguments Against The Colonists

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Carlos Rivera 10/29/14 U.S History Argumentative Essay How would you feel if your rights were violated? Would you wreak vengeance? Well that is what colonists did when the British government created ridiculous acts, and violated their personal rights. The Founding Fathers were justified in rebelling against the British government because they broke the Social Contract. Conflict over land led to the French and Indian War, or the Seven Years’ War. The war was mostly fought on American land but was also fought on European and Canadian land. The British forced colonist to serve in the army during the war. After the war the British forced colonists to pay for the war. Their logic was that the colonist benefited the most from the British winning the war, more than any other citizens. The colonists’ logic was that they are also citizens of Great Britain so it is unfair to them that they have to pay more than regular citizens. To make the colonist pay for the war, the British passed acts, such as the sugar act and the stamp act. The colonist opposed both of these acts which led to the Townshend acts. This act taxed imports of lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea. The colonist reacted strongly to this act and in response British parliament passed the harshest act so far, the Intolerable acts. Colonists were …show more content…

Two of the most effective protests against the acts were the stamp act riot and Boston tea party. After the stamp act was passed, colonists made a petition against the act but parliament refused to hear it. This infuriated the colonist and they began harassing tax collectors and boycotting British goods. The result of parliament passing the Townshend acts was the Boston tea party. Colonist started boycotting the purchase of lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea. Also the Sons of Liberty dumped 45 tons of tea into the Boston Harbor. These protest were very

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