Argumentative Essay: The Problem With America

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The problem with America
The problem with America is that no one will actually take action towards their complaints and instead settles on sitting back complaining. That right there is exactly why I too am about to do. In order to fix the United States, we need to focus on societal and economic issues. There are many societal issues needed to be addressed but we will be focusing on racism, gender inequality and police brutality. Lastly, the economic issue that will briefly be covered is the need to decrease military spending.
Racism is a very complicated subject. As you know, racism is adapted to how a child is born and raised. Obviously we cannot just kidnap children from families and nurture them to love and accept everyone, but we can teach this in schools all across America. This especially in pre-k and elementary students. Teachers can have children play different games that influence teamwork and to value everyone despite their differences.
Another huge problem in our society is the inequality of genders. Women with full-time jobs still earn only about 77% of their male counterparts earnings and …show more content…

When you know that America spends more on its military than the next 15 countries combined, you know that there is an issue. In 2014, both the House and Senate voted to increased military spending. The House proposed setting a 5% increase in military spending with an 18.6% cut towards programs such as Human and Health Services, education and labor services. The Pentagons budget already consumes 80% of individual income tax revenues. This is astonishing, when this money can be used to benefit so many other areas in America. Whether that's towards bettering our education systems, feeding and providing homes for the homeless, or going towards medical research, there are far better corporations that could use this money then to supply it to the military to get the next biggest and baddest

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