Argumentative Essay: The Benefits Of Playing Football

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Larry Fitzgerald once said“This is a commitment. Do not give up because it’s hard. Do it because you want it.” Football is a commitment. You stick to what you’ve started. This isn’t an easy sport to play but it’s fun. That’s why it’s my favorite sport. Playing football is an amazing hobby.
One reason why football is an amazing hobby is because it’s a fun sport. An example of this would be, last night I asked my brother if he wanted to play football with the family because I enjoy it. Watching football is really play but it is better. Playing football is dangerous it's worth getting hurt because it’s fun. Football is a great experience. It teaches you how to become a man and it teaches you how to gain discipline. Yes it’s a lot of at running but the end it is all worth it. When the games are being played, you realize how fun it is. When you’re on the field and you catch the ball, you feel like you can fly. Football is not only awesome, it’s INCREDIBLE! Football can make everyone’s day. Whether you’re having a bad day or not, it’ll make your entire day. Another …show more content…

If you make it to the NFL then you’re talking big bucks. The average salary of an NFL player works out to be considerably less when not considering the top earners, but these players still make hundreds of thousands of dollars each. Bloomberg Businessweek says “The average salary of an NFL player in 2011 was $1.9 million. The median salary was $770,000.” Clearly you can see that if you work as hard as they do then you can make just as much as them someday.They make a lot more than anybody.”
In conclusion, many people like football and they enjoy playing It.
Hopefully this essay will encourage you to do more in life.
Football is an amazing sport and It inspires many people such as kids and adults. If you watch football, don’t go for a horrible team. Go for a team that plays good at least. Hopefully you liked this

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