Argumentative Essay: Should Animal Farm Be Banned?

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Animal farm should be regarded to many us a guide, which shows us why certain types of governments come to power and how the people at the bottom continue to stay there. The Relevance of Animal Farm has been banned by many communist countries so they can continue to rule. They don't want the people with this knowledge that could ruin them. Some people with the right mind to figure out the relevance of the book. It's that people with power can get overboard with it and just let it corrupt them. Look at North Korea, which it's Kim dynasty has been going on for years and the people suffer, but they believe in a government that doesn't necessarily care, their government holds the power of everyone. Which is wrong first because communism is where everyone shares power and the power should be able to raise and maintain themselves financially.

Being able to read Animal Farm and understand the deeper meaning of the …show more content…

Napoleon strategy of putting the blame on snowball and making the farm animals work harder, so now one notices him become a worse leader than Mr.Jones. When you genuinely hate someone or some country for over 65 years you would think they would be over it. Not North Korea, which still blame the United states for splinting up the country into North and South Korea. This two countries are different, South likes the U.S. and the North Korea utterly hates the United states. "Officially, it’s called 'Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism Month' and — more so than usual — it’s a time for North Koreans to swarm to war museums, mobilize for gatherings denouncing the evils of the United States and join in a general, nationwide whipping up of anti-American sentiment." New York Post writes. One month dedicated for them to show their hate for the U.S. this includes speeches as well. Over 65 years ago and they have not yet at least gotten over splinting up the

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