Argumentative Essay On Year-Round School

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Did you know that some people want to have year-round schools? (Nope, and don't care) Just imagine no more going to the beach, or pool, hanging out over with friends, or going to the mall, or playing games. The problem is experts say that “Americans are falling behind other countries.” (14) As a result, the government wants to have year-round schools.I personally support keeping the traditional schools and a long summer break. I'm pretty sure you do too.

Summer break should stay for many reasons, for both your mental and physical health. One reason is that There isn't a lot of good research for year-round schooling is good for you. In fact, experts say that if you have fun while learning you learn more than learning without fun. Your brain loves learning but also likes fun. Another reason why is that teens over the summer take a job. However with the new school calculator teens can’t take over the summer jobs and parents and teens are going to be mad for they can’t buy their own things. Not only students are going to not be thrilled but parents too. They have to buy extra for “Buses,A/C, actives, and teachers salaries.”(15) That means more taxes, and who wants …show more content…

(why) the Their “lagging behind in other countries” (14) (wow, in the 20th century it was the space race, now it's the education race/wars) maybe. Some people are evening saying “ the world has changed, it time for summer vacation to change too.” (15) (that's so copied from the Spider-man Homecoming trailer only reworded, also what changed mass factory ages.) yep. Appearingly, back them summer break was a time for kids to help their parents harvest crops from their farms.But, now a days 44% of people live in cities in 2008! In the same time there 3,000 year-round school in United States alone! In 2016. (Numbers, I hated number numbers!) But summer break is to reunite with family. ( not me, I just play video games) Yea

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