Argumentative Essay On Taliban

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Yesterday, I was privileged to participate in a conference call arranged by the "World Affairs Council of America" (I am a member of the Las Vegas Chapter).

Due to the recent announcement by President Trump, that the U.S. is committing 4,000 more troops to combat Islamic militants in Afghanistan, The WACA is trying to get more information on the strategy that is forth coming.

We were fortunate to get Ronald Neumann who graciously donated 30 minutes of his time to give his geopolitical perspective on the past and future of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan. Mr. Neumann was the ambassador to Afghanistan under the George W. Bush administration. He currently is President of the 'Think Tank' "American Academy Of Diplomacy". He was part of …show more content…

The question I presented:
President Trump put forth an offer, an olive branch, to the Taliban to sit down , with no pre-conditions, to neogoiate a possible peace agreement.
What does that mean? What possible geopolitical agreement could emerge from this? The Taliban is firmly set in their ideological convictions and those convictions are not localized by region. The Taliban are fond of saying " You guys have the watches, but we have the time". They are in it for the duration, for eternity and beyond.

My question was acknowledged as a good question? However, I knew it was an unfair question. It could not be answered with any certainty.
Trying to compare it to the recent FARC & Colombian Government peace treaty is not a valid analogy.

What is the solution? The world is currently experiencing the ongoing efforts of a global caliphate in quest of total dominance.
There is empirical evidence in hot-spots all over the globe.

Mohammadists attempting to fulfill the misquided prophecy of one God (Allah), one Messenger (Mohammed), One Religion (Islam), and one Law (Sharia).
It is irrelevant whether it is being attempted by Islamic Radicals using violence, Civilization Jihad using Political Islam, or Moderates waiting and

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