Argumentative Essay On Social Media Privacy

771 Words2 Pages

Jill Pinsky
English 101
Dr. Stovall
31 march 2014
Facebook Privacy
In today’s life in the public eye can become a huge responsibility to the public. This is truer today as it has ever been before. This is due to the new existence of social media sites and sources like Facebook. When users first create an account, people think that the site protects their privacy. They are to an extent, but could the things people do to insure their privacy backfire? Social media has played a big part in today’s society, and it has made things very open to the public. However, with this there comes some loss of privacy. Social media sites have privacy settings that the users can change to their liking. Are the settings enough? Could they cause more problems than they are worth?
Social Media sites such as Facebook, today have made precautions regarding privacy on the web. These settings to help keep the users privacy in check. Even though they settings on sites have gotten more intense, can theses protection possibly cause more problems? According to “Mark Zuckerberg’s Theory of privacy” the website was created with the intention to create “a more open and connected world.” There are advantages to having a more connected word there are also some draw backs. Even though social media has created faster and more advanced way to get the word out, and be aware of the new world around its users, it has also created a world with little privacy. This is because more and more people willing to share their information online, in today’s world that revolves around technology.
However social media sites, such as Facebook, have made more advanced privacy settings, are they really helpful? According to a source Mark Zuckerberg says that “privacy is not the...

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... However, the media keeps growing faster and keeping people information to themselves has gotten harder and harder, during these changing times. The settings themselves can only do so much. The best way that seems to be best to ensure privacy is to not post anything on the internet at all.
Keeping your privacy is getting harder and harder to do, but even though the privacy setting can help to an extent, they don’t always work the way they should. Putting information out for the public eye to see can be a risk but could also be used to the Facebook users advantage. With this comes a loss of privacy that the user has to deal with. No matter how many privacy settings are used or are changed they never a guaranty of full privacy. The only real way to guaranty this is to stay away from social media completely. With that we would lose the connected world we have today.

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