Understanding LED Lighting: A Comprehensive Guide

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Why choose LED? Top FAQ’s

People are creatures of habit and oftentimes, venturing into something new seems intimidating, especially if that thing is technology. Even though LED lighting is a new concept, the technology is currently experiencing its biggest growth in history!
LED lights have taken a slower growth path compared to traditional lights. Their price, in the beginning, was making them practically unfeasible but today, the prices of LED lighting are lower than ever.
This makes it possible for LED technology to keep developing rapidly and to keep increasing its market share. With more and more LED lighting products being introduced to the market, what do retailers and consumers need to know to make the right buying decisions? That’s …show more content…

If you’re planning to switch to LED lights, you’re probably eager to learn about the cost benefits from such transition. For that purpose, we created a table comparing the average lifespan, use of electricity, cost of electricity and the total operational cost of high-quality LEDs, CFLs, and incandescent lights.
Here we compared high-quality LED lights, high-quality CFL lights, and the old, incandescent lights and the difference is obvious. If you’re using incandescent lights in your home and switch to LED in 23 years you will save $278 per lights. If we take into consideration that the average home has around 40 light bulbs, you could save $11.120 USD in 23 years!
With CFL lights, the difference isn’t so drastic but you could still save over $1.100 in 23 years. Plus, you won’t be exposed to any UV lighting or mercury and you won’t have to take special precaution when disposing of them.

Approximate cost per bulb $1.50 $4 $15 (or …show more content…

They can be used in the home, office, as cabinet lighting and even as kitchen lighting. Recessed downlight LED options are great for bathrooms and hallways. A-line LED bulbs—a modern version of the classic incandescent light bulbs, fit in table or reading lamps and ceiling fixtures. Additionally, they aren’t sensitive to the extreme cold temperatures, strong winds or humidity and have multiple color variations for every occasion. Finally, they are much safer to use and maintain as they produce a lot less heat compared to other lights. LED lights also have proven to be very durable and unlikely to

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