Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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The debate over gun control in America has constantly brought up over the years due to gunmen killing large amounts of civilizations in shootings. From Columbine to Sandy Hook or the shootings of the two reporters in West Virginia, these public shootings are occurring everywhere. Lawmakers and civilians alike are pushing for increased gun control in hopes of preventing the same tragedies. Anybody that has been affected by the shootings have been pushing Congress and state governments to force new sanctions on government. With the past three years, Congress has shot down all the laws despite the large amounts of public support. Adding more gun control isn’t going to stop the mass shootings from happening.
Public shootings have recently become the backbone behind the gun control movement. People are hoping that potential shooters wouldn’t be able get the weapons if we put stricter regulations on weapons. Background checks and clip size are just a few of the issues that are being presented to lawmakers. Intensifying background checks could slow the amount of shootings happening but, won’t stop them. Most shooters receive their guns illegally or have someone that will pass a background check buy it
People would normally use the weapons for hunting or protection from intruders. Certain people involved in politics are trying to argue that keeping a gun in the home could lead to future violence. Gun control advocates are pushing for regulations on how guns can be represented in the home. Gun, unless they are loaded, pose no threat to anyone living in the household. If people weren’t allowed to keep guns in the home or there were strict regulations against the way you could have guns in your home, the amount of robberies would increase. Criminals or drug addicts would rather rob a house than go get a job. Other than getting caught, the incentives would outweigh the

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