Argumentative Essay On Environment Education

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Introduction Over the past few years, climate change, plastic pollution, acid rain, and the interlinked nature of these challenges have brought much concern of many researchers and environmentalists. In a post-modern society, we have created a lot of environmental issues with global impacts because our environment has begun to be treated as an unlimited field full of abundant resources for groups and organizations with the power and skills to acquire them. Though many news and social media often underline the consequences of disturbing ecosystem and the significances of respecting the environment, but as more people cluster together in large metropolitan areas today, there are fewer opportunities for them to explore the city environment. Consequently, people do not have enough environmental awareness, and this could make the environmental challenges become even harder to cope with in the future. Hence, it is extremely vital to have environment education since it can help people to …show more content…

Thus, it is essential for graduates to understand and to have the capability to cope with various environmental challenges that we are facing today. For university students, most of their knowledge about sustainability is obtained from lectures. Whereas, Winter and Cotton (2012) illustrate that learning solely about sustainability is insufficient and that sustainability literacy must take into consideration students’ attitudes and dispositions in order to develop their strategies for reasoned decision-making. In addition, Winter and Cotton (2012) point out that the limitations posed by academic attitudes and disciplinary silos hinder the embedding of sustainability literacy in the formal curriculum. Therefore, if universities want to cultivate more students with sustainability literacy, then they need to focus on constructing more sustainable

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