Argumentative Essay: Is College Education Worth The Money?

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Issues in Education As the cost of education continues to rise today, do you feel that college students are getting what they are paying for? As a parent of children that are presently attending elementary school through college, I have witnessed a drastic change in education. We have gone from having teachers that cared and learning subjects that student’s needed to know to help them transcend into adulthood, be intelligent and able to make good choices. To everything being based upon money, tests and politics. There are so many serious issues with the education system today that one has to wonder if paying for a degree is worth what you will gain during your college years. The value of education should be priceless. Yet parents …show more content…

113). It is inevitable and painfully honest that the cost of education continues to rise. This is a very scary reality for anyone aspiring to go to college in pursuit of a well-paying career. (“According to the College Board, over the past 10 years average tuition and fees rose 51 percent at public four-year colleges and 36 percent at private institutions, outpacing the consumer price index.”) This is a staggering statistic! College is a very important aspect of education. But with these statistics it can makes planning for college or sending a child off to college very unpleasant. The thought that a college education can place a family in debt should make everyone want to take action. Imagine a high school student that has already decided on which school they will be attending, applications sent, they have been accepted and all they can do is hope their parents will be able to afford their education without having to change their way of living or struggle to make ends meet. Meanwhile the cost of education is still rising. While America has been going through a depression. Economy is down, no jobs, less pay, the demand to have a college degree in order to get a decent paying job are all matters at the fore-front of the people’s minds. Yet the cost of a public college education has risen 36 percent. In the process of them raising the cost of education, did they come up with a more …show more content…

The fight to lower college costs should not be based solely on the expense just being too high. It should be that it may be too high for the type of education that is being received. Or whether or not students are getting what they are paying for. For as long as I can remember the slogan “you get what you pay for” has been a true statement. When we buy items from a dollar store, that item does not work as well as a similar product of regular market value. If you purchase a pair of a pair of jeans for ten dollars, the color runs and fades, they shrink in the dryer and tear easily. If you buy a pair of jeans for one hundred dollars, they still look great after a year. If you buy a used car, you don’t expect it to work as well or run as long as a new car, it may even need repairs within a week. When making purchases, quality is a factor of the cost, like it or not. The same is true when it comes to college costs. But how many people actually pay attention to what the quality of education will be when choosing a college and considering its costs? I’m sure not many. Because how many people, including those that work at the colleges know how to sum up what a quality education is or should be? (“That’s partly because most colleges don’t know how to measure their quality” pg. 114). (“But if education is truly an investment in a young person, shouldn’t we be able to understand the return on

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