Argumentative Essay: Equal Pay Wages For Women

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Women have long been known for taking care of their children and keeping the house clean for their husbands. However, in today’s society women work outside their home and raise the children. Women are not treated as equal to men. Pay wages are unequal among women and men. The equal opportunities acts helps women and men of color, religion, race, and national origin receive a job, but not equal pay, which was enforced in 1964 and gave authority to sue in federal courts in 1972.(Freedman)This issue has gotten so far out of hand that a women that works overtime and does the job better than a man still will not receive equal pay. Before this act was passed, women received fifty-nine percent of what men earned.(Hill) In 2014, women who worked full-time typically were paid …show more content…

People assume that women don't get paid like men because they're always out on maternity leave or take days for children. In reality women with no kids and never take days off still don’t receive equal to men in the same industry.(“Women…”) It's understandable if their not paid the same in a hard labor industry, because women aren't as strong as men. In other jobs women should be able to receive equal to men, because they can work as hard as men. Women are not given many job opportunities. Women are segregated into “pink-collar jobs that affect their wages.(“Women…”) Most women prefer to stick to the pink collar jobs because they feel that they will be treated better and treated equal their male co-workers. (Freedman) Another reason is because men with just a GED can still get the high paying job before a women with a degree because the hiring person assumes the man can do it better.(Freedman) Many managers have reservations for hiring women, especially

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