Argumentative Essay: Cats Are Better Pets

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Cats are cute and lovable but…dogs are often called “mans best friend” and make way better pets. They also have more size options to choose from, a social hierarchy, and a more suitable ability to save people, cats and dogs. Dogs love to be around their owners, cats could care less. For example, my dog Cairo, who loves the outdoors, was once left outside on purpose. I wanted to see how he would react to being left alone. Would he run off? Would he lay down on the porch and wait for me to open it? Well, it wasn’t even a minute before I heard scratches and whining at the door. When I opened it, his tail was wagging and he was excited to see me. On the other hand, my friend’s cat, Oreo also loves to be outside, the difference is, he runs …show more content…

Like the wolf pack, each individual in the pack has its own place in that social order. Without a leader and parameters, a dog pack is confused, unstable and in constant conflict.” This shows a dog’s willingness to please their owner. Cats are solitary. “Solitary animals are those that spend a majority of their lives without others of their species, with possible exceptions for mating and raising their young. Animals that are solitary are often territorial and do not like the company of another in their territory.” Dogs like to be with their owners. Cats sit around sleeping 16 hours of the day, than they wake up and meow for food than go back to sleep. Kittens do pretty much the same thing but you might be able to get them to bat at a cat toy if their in a good mood. Its impossible to take cats on walks without getting your arms scratched up terribly. With dogs, you get up, they get up, you want to play, they want to play, you sleep, they sleep. Dogs live in a pack, with dogs you become the dogs pack. They want to be accepted and loved while cats feel like they need to prove that they don't need you to survive. It’s sort of like saying “you need me but I don't need you.” If a dog lost it’s owner he would be moody for awhile. Cats wouldn't mourn. There is a story about a dog who's owner had a heart attack and passed away. That dog stayed right by his side until the man was taken away. The dog would not …show more content…

Ginny who is a small Siberian husky schnauzer mix is an example of a big hero living inside a tiny body and she is a dog who has rescued over 300 cats from danger. “Is Ginny a traitor to canine's everywhere, or an undisputed hero? The 300 cats who attended her memorial service would probably say the latter, paying homage to a dog who endangered herself on multiple occasions to save dying or stranded cats from peril. On one particularly remarkable occasion, Ginny threw herself against a vertical pipe at a construction site so that it would topple and the stranded cats inside could escape.” Ginny also saved an injured cat from a box of broken glass. Would a cat do this for a dog, not to mention multiple dogs? I don't think so. Which is more equipped to save? Dogs! They are bigger, stronger and have better sense of smell and direction all qualities that prove dogs are better than cats.
Dogs have a strong desire to save the people it feels safe with. They want to prove that they are strong enough to survive in the pack and that the pack can trust that certain dog. Also, size can be helpful, even tiny dogs have a purpose they have been known to calm larger dogs Dogs are a true “man’s best

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